Home Cooked Food

We offer the option of a hot lunch to all our children. Using fresh and locally sourced ingredients, our 3 week rolling menu meets the ‘Healthy Choice’ and GDA guidelines.

To ensure quality and freshness, once cooked, our food is served quickly and efficiently so here is no need for it to be reheated.

The cost for our home cooked food per day is £2.50 per child. This includes healthy snacks both mid morning and afternoon plus a hot lunch to include a main course and dessert.

A few quotes from the children about our home cooked food:

‘Sometimes we have jelly for pudding. Wibble wobble jelly!’
‘My favourite is the pasta and meatballs!’
‘I have the same lunch as my best friend!’
‘We get to try all sorts of different dinners!’
‘It’s yummy! It’s better than mummy’s cooking!’
‘I like my Little Tums more than my packed lunch!’